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Muscle tear

This refers to injury to a muscle.  Minor injuries means mildly over-stretch a muscle or a tendon, whereas severe injuries may cause partial or complete tears to these tissues. Tears can take place in any muscle in the body. It is important to know how badly the muscle is damaged in order to determine the best course of treatment. Acute muscle tears can be caused by one event, whereas a chronic strain is usually caused by repetitive or overuse injuries. This refers to damage to the muscle or its attaching tendons.  Pressure can be put on muscles during everyday activities, unaccustomed exercise, heavy lifting or playing intense sports. The most common symptoms of muscle tear are pain in the involved muscle, redness or bruising, muscle weakness or muscle spasm. 

On a clinical examination we will usually find the point of tenderness, and depending on the level of muscle function, the severity of damage to the tissue can be determined. An ultrasound or MRI scan can help identify between different types of soft tissue muscle injuries.  Muscle tears can be graded according to severity with Grade three being the most severe. 
The most important immediate actions after acute injury, are protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation. A well-structured and supervised physical therapy program can help to return the affected muscle back to normal function with a graduated programme of exercise and stretches. Platelet rich plasma injections can be very beneficial to stimulate healing and regenerating the injured muscle fibres. 
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Shoulder Injury in Jordan

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